2022 Transportation Supply and Demand Analysis

This report emphasizes the importance of the Automotive Technology career pathway for Minnesota’s Transportation Industry. Professionals in Automotive Technology occupy various roles, ranging from automotive service technicians to farm equipment mechanics, and contribute to industries as diverse as Navigational Manufacturing and Automobile Dealerships. As of the third quarter of 2022, approximately 21,227 people work in Automotive Technology roles in Minnesota, marking a decrease of 1.8% (387 workers) from the previous year.

Overall employment in Minnesota has grown by nearly 118,000 workers (4.0%) between the second quarter of 2021 and the third quarter of 2022. The five-year forecast indicates a recovery, with a projected expansion of 45,970 employment opportunities over five years, based on the most current baseline forecasts, representing an average annual growth of about 0.3%. However, during this time frame, Automotive Technology employment is expected to decrease moderately in Minnesota by about 325 total jobs annually (-0.3%) due to a tight talent pool. The total baseline demand for Automotive Technology talent is anticipated to be around 8,677 professionals needed to fill positions due to job exits and transfers, such as retirements and job changes.


U of MN NXT GEN Agriculture & Food Program Career Wheel


Ramsey County Healthcare Industry