2023 Workforce Trends for Career and Technical Education

Recent years have brought seismic shifts in the world of work, driven forward by ongoing economic uncertainties, dramatic talent shortages, workforce misalignments, and rapidly evolving technology. These dynamics make forecasting future labor market needs and supply uniquely challenging. But despite the turbulence, several pivotal shifts have begun to materialize, illuminating the path ahead in inclusive workplaces, skills-based hiring, and the digital workplace. The continuing effects of the pandemic, domestic and international unrest, and shifting economic models have been felt in disparate ways across the nation. The job market is undoubtedly cooling but is far from free from significant talent shortages plaguing every industry and career cluster.

This report unpacks the current workforce landscape of Minnesota and the regional nuances of talent demand by career field. We aim to support Minnesota Perkins Consortia in navigating changes in their local labor market and guide their understanding of how these changes may impact enrollment, industry, career advancement, and the needed programs of study by region. Each report includes a statewide economic and demographic overview, career field and cluster analysis including regional importance of each sector, key labor market statistics, and forecasting for future demand in the six career fields: Health Science Technology, Engineering, Manufacturing, and Technology, Arts, Communications, and Information Systems, Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, Business, Management, and Administration, and Human Services. Additionally, it comprises a gap analysis in each of the six career fields, including occupation gaps (i.e. talent shortages) and award gaps. Moreover, an Origin-to-Gateway-to-Target model analysis is provided for how to help move students from entry points into their field of interest into other aligned careers, taking into account automation, remote work, and the changing work environment. Finally, there is a brief discussion on remote work and jobs of the future.


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