Talent Consulting
Solutions for your unique talent needs
RealTime Talent utilizes a data-driven, employer-led approach to close the skills gap, build talent pipelines, and meet the needs of Minnesota’s Businesses.
Solutions for….
Individual Employers
Find and address the causes of your toughest talent problems.
Collaboration of Multiple Employers
We help employers with similar workforce challenges find shared talent solutions.
Click on the Menu of Options for a printable version
Address the causes of your toughest talent problems
We offer a comprehensive range of talent consulting services for individual employers and associations of employers.
Service Offerings Include…
Pain Point Identification and Resolution
Critical Job Demand Projection
Continuous Improvement Process Development
Talent Supply Chain Building
Job Requirement Alignment and Communication
Talent Supply Analysis

All of our employer services are focused on improving ROI
Qualified Canidates per Job Posting
Talent Production
Diversity of New Hires
Cost Per Hire
Onboarding Costs
Time to Fill
Qualified Canidates per Job Posting • Talent Production • Diversity of New Hires • Cost Per Hire • Onboarding Costs • Time to Fill •
Business Metrics:
RealTime Talent Employer Collaboratives
Real Time Talent is the first, and currently only, organization in Minnesota using Talent Pipeline Management® (TPM) to address key pain points across multiple industries and occupations.
Click to explore collaboratives for…
What is Talent Pipeline Management®?
How does Talent Pipeline Management® (TPM) work?
Talent Pipeline Management® (TPM) is an employer-led and demand-driven approach for employers to create and manage talent ‘supply chains’ by projecting talent needs and aligning those with education and workforce development systems.